What Is the Yeast-Free Diet?
The yeast-free diet is also known as the candida diet. Here we explore what the diet is, who might benefit from it and what the science actually says about it.
How the Yeast-Free Diet Works-title-If you have candida overgrowth—and especially if you deal with chronic overgrowth—you might consider trying a yeast-free diet. A yeast-free diet eliminates carbohydrates and most kinds of sugar, as both of those food groups have been linked to the production of candida in your body. The thinking here is that if you can eliminate candida's food source, you may be able to eliminate candida as well. For that reason, the yeast-free diet is considered a long-term exclusion diet, which means you cut foods out for months at a time—and potentially even longer.In addition to cutting out certain foods thought to feed candida, the yeast-free diet is also structured to promote good gut health, as there's a link between poor gut health and candida overgrowth (remember: candida is typically plentiful in your GI tract).
Foods to Avoid on the Yeast-Free Diet-title-If you're trying to avoid foods that feed candida, proponents of the yeast-free diet recommend cutting the following foods from your diet: potatoes, processed meats, canned fruits, added sugars, sugar alcohols and disaccharides (lactose, sucrose). You also eliminate grains (wheat, barley, oats, rice, corn) and other gluten-containing products. Additionally, beer, sweet wine, liqueurs and seeds containing so-called mucilaginous fibers (such as chia seeds and flaxseeds) are out, as are additives and preservatives like maltodextrin, pectin and guar gums.
Foods to Eat on a Yeast-Free Diet-title-You can eat fresh low-sugar fruit (such as lemons, limes and small quantities of berries) and nonstarchy vegetables, including asparagus, cabbage, kale, cucumber, spinach and tomatoes. You can also eat healthy proteins and fats, including chicken, salmon, eggs and fatty fish, plus avocado, extra-virgin olive oil and olives. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir and some types of yogurts are encouraged to help promote gut health, while almonds, sunflower seeds and flaxseed are also a part of the plan. Dairy is limited to butter, eggs and aged cheeses with minimal lactose. Honey is one added sugar that is permitted in some versions. As you might expect, sugar-containing foods are severely limited, although some proponents of the diet claim small amounts of honey may be OK; others steer you towards stevia and monk fruit extract.
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